MARCK Kunst, Kunstatelier. Kunstgalerie

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MARCK Kunst, Kunstatelier. Kunstgalerie


MARCK Video Sculptures

The videosculptures by Swiss artist MARCK are more than a simple combination of video and sculpture: They are a logic consequence of his extensive examination with films and videos, multimedia based projects, performances, music and sculptural as well as kinetic objects. The many years he has been working with these media have showed him their limits and possibilities thus founding a basis for the body of works created since 2001. The determining factor for his video sculptures was–amongst others–his dissatisfaction with the boring representation of films on monitors. Hence he started to rebuild them on the one hand in order to detract the static aspect from the sculpture and on the other to set real boundaries for his films/videos.


Die Anschrift:
Kerenzerbergstrasse 65, 8757 Filzbach




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